There are bad movies,there are good movies,then there are excellent movies...and finally...there is Gunda,a class of its own,immortal,incomparable.A very famous saying goes,"there are two kind of people in this world,one who have seen gunda..the other,who havent".
Well I think am getting to the topic too early.Lets beat around the bush for a moment."Gunda" is one of the most popular movies of Bollywood,in the league of Sholay or Mughal-e-Azam.Rated 8.2 at IMDB with almost 1500 votes,it has a genuine chance of making into IMDB Top 250 movies(only 3-4 bollywood movies have done that,and presently none of them are in the list).Gunda is ofeten regarded as the Worst movie ever made,its critics even argue that this is the main reason behind its popularity,but maybe,Kanti Shah was too intelligent for ths world.Fans of the movie argue it to be the most innovatively directed movie,which is even better than Shawshank and Godfather.So enough of giving the facts and beating around the bush,lets get down to the point now.
Bashir Babar,a name which can put Mirza Ghalib to shame by the incredible use of poetry in this movie.

Coming to the Direction aspect,as I already mentioned this is as innovative as it gets.Whoever said that "truth is stranger than fiction" must not have seen this epic fictional work.Not only is every semblance of logic done away with,'Physics' is raped in a manner worse than the females in the movie are.About Physics,the acceleration of gravity varies with time and location and probably with altitude as well,momentum is never conserved during exchange of punches,but the standout factor is teh way of theory of relativity is defied.Most of the characters travel at speeds well above the speed of light it seems,this is especially visible in the climax where Bulla and Shankar fight and they

Concluding I will like to share my favourite scene,it is when the heroine tries to romance with Mithun and he says "jung chhid gayi hai,maine laashe giraana shuru kar diya hai"...and she replies "to kya jung waale pyaar nahi karte" and then they start singing around the trees...can it get better than this?... Certain peaks are not meant to be scaled,they are just to be admired...there shall never be another Gunda..introducing concepts of innovative vulgarity and tragic humour(death scenes),this movie is a landmark...Gunda...the movie of the century!!