In a routine coaching class,I was asked a routine question - What is the difference between a dream and a vision ? A couple of minutes of thought into this question,and I realised this idea struck some sort of chord with me.What followed was a small discussion over it,again a routine one,but on the personal front,this differentiation between dream and vision became an object of importance.
What exactly is the answer to the above mentioned question.Like any abstract theme,the beauty lies in the very fact that it has no exact answer,it has interpretations,and opinions.Well my opinion,about the distinguishing feauture between the two,is that,Dream is anything we see for the future,Vision,apart from being a dream,has certain additional properties.Vision is also something we envisage,but it also consists of a belief that we will make that happen,or play our due role in it.Vision includes the belief that things will work out,because we will make them work.
Why did this seemingly apparent idea suddenly aquire so much of importance in my eyes.I guess all of us have dreams,even I had many.Now I have realised that average people have dreams,and the men who made it big,had visions.Its time I minimised dreaming(not end) things, and started envisioning things.
Whats your take...Dream or Vision??