Tuesday, December 30, 2008

जब वी मेट...

"ये वाली खिड़की भी बंद कर दूँ?"

"एज़ यू विश"

"कहाँ जा रहे हो आप लोग?"

"बोकारो...और तुम?? "

"राँची...नही मुगलसराय,बनारस के पास है..राँची के हम रहने वाले है"

रात के करीबन दस बज रहे थे.ट्रेन छूटे कोई एक घंटा हुआ होगा.आमने सामने खिड़की वाली सीट पर बैठे दो लोगो के बीच ये पहली बातचीत थी...एक शुरुवात थी...

"प्रथम,मेरा नाम...इंजीनियरिंग का पहला साल खत्म हुआ है...और आप??"

"नंदिनी,मैं तो क्लास टेन में हू,वैसे मुझे....जाने दो तुमको अजीब लगेगा"

"नही.. बोलिये ना"

"पहले तो ये आप बोलना बंद करो,अजीब नही लग रहा तुमको?"

"क्यों,आप छोटे हो इसलिये.हमको तो आदत है,आपको अजीब लग रहा होगा...और मेरा हम-हम करके बात करना भी"

"सच कहूँ तो मुझे खुद ऐसे ही बात करने की आदत थी.हम लोग पाँच साल पहले ही दिल्ली आये.बचपन बिहार में बीता,और आज भी बिहारी लोग,और बिहारी बोली,दोनो ज़्यादा अच्छे लगते है"

"चलिये अच्छा है...भई हम तो पक्के बिहारी है,बनने को तो झारखंड बन गया पर दिल तो बिहार का है.हमको भी दिल्ली,कलकत्ता जैसे शहर बिल्कुल पसंद नही.इतना भागता दौड़ता जीवन मेरे टाईप का नही"

फ़िर इसी तरह दोनो के 'टाईप' पे कुछ देर बातें हुयी.नंदिनि के अलावा उसके साथ उसकी मा थी,जो बाकियो कि तरह् नींद में लीन थी....और प्रथम...

नंदिनी- "तुम लोग दिल्ली घूमने आये थे?"

प्रथम- "लोग?..हम अकेले आये है"

"नही तुम उस आंटी से जैसे बात कर रहे थे मुझे लगा तुम लोग साथ हो.परिचय कब हुआ तुम्हारा?"

"उनसे..कभी नही,बस बात करने लगे.ट्रेन मे तो ऐसे ही है हम,सबसे बतियाते चलते है"

दोनो बतियाते चले,प्रथम को सुबह उतरना था,इसलिये वो रात भर जगने वाला था.बोकारो बहुत बाद में था,मगर नंदिनी ने उसे कह दिया कि वो रात भर उसे जगाये रखेगी..और बतियाते चलेगी...

नंदिनी:"साईंस और साईंस वालो से मुझे बहुत डर लगता है,बहुत पढ़ाकू होते है वो लोग"

प्रथमः "हमारी तो पढ़ाई छूट ही गयी.तुम्हरी उम्र में शायद सचमुच पढ़ाकू थे.पर अब सारी लाईफ़ की फ़िलौसोफ़ी बदल गयी है.लगता है जैसे पैसे का कोई मोल नही...संतुष्टि तो एक एहसास है..अमीर गरीब कोई भी दिल में पैदा कर सकता है...(बाहर झाकते हुये)कौन सा स्टेशन आया?"

"बोलने की बात है ये बस.स्टेशन पे सोये इन लोगो को देखो.दो टाईम का खाना मुश्किल से मिलता है इन्हे.सर पे छत नही है,तुमको लगता है ये लोग खुश हो सकते है."

"ऊपर अंबर,नीचे ज़मीं है,इतना बड़ा घर कोई नही है...मुझे तो ये लगता है इनके बारे में.तुम इसे बेकार का फ़लसफ़ा कहके झुठला सकती हो पर हम तो यही मानते है,खुशी बस खुश रहने से मिलती है,और कुछ नही चाहिये "

"मैं तुम्हारे जैसे इंसान से ज़िंदगी में पहले कभी नही मिली,पागल हो तुम.तुम्हारे बात,तुम्हारी सोच,यहा तक की दिल्ली आने कि तुम्हारी वजह.खुशी और उगर्वाद पर ये फ़ंडे...जो भी हो, अच्छा बहुत लग रहा है तुमसे बात करके."

(प्रथम...मुस्कुराते हुये)

"शुक्रिया..वजह का तो ठीक है,खुशी का फ़ंडा भी..उगर्वाद वाली बात में क्या अजीब लगा?"

"अच्छा,कोई हमे आके गोलियाँ मारता है,तबाही मचाता है...पूरे देश में गुस्सा है,कहीं डर है...और तुम कहते हो कि हुमे उनको समझने की कोशिश करनी चाहिये जिन्होने ऐसा किया"

"मेरा तो यही मानना है.खालिद हुसैनी को पढ़ोगी तो मालूम होगा अफ़गान का इतिहास,जिसके कारण आज मार-काट वहाँ का कल्चर बन गया है..और पाकिस्तान..वो हमको क्या मारेगा,हमसे लढ़ने में और हथियार बनाने मे तो वो देश खुद बर्बाद हो गया.हम सालो पुराना इतिहास नही बदल सकते,उससे पैदा हुये हालात...सिचुएशन, नही बदल सकते,इसलिये आसान रास्ता निकालते है.इस्लाम को आतंकवाद से जोड़ दो और दुनिया को जंग का मैदान बना दो.तुमको मेरी ये सोच अजीब लगती है और मुझे........"

रात के दो बज रहे थे..कुछ घंटो में एक दूसरे को वो दोनो बहुत समझ गये,वो भी एक दूसरे से बहुत अलग होकर...सबसे साधारण से लेकर सबसे खास बातों पर बातें हुई...

"याद रखोगी न हमको...बाद में"

"मेल-आईडी दी है ना,याद दिला देना"

"पता नही पर मेरी गट फ़ीलींग कहती है की वी विल लूज़ कौन्टैक्ट..वजह तो कुछ भी हो सकती है..ज़िंदगी ऐसी ही है...वैसे मैं तुमको नही भूलूँगा,पक्का"

"अच्छा अगर मैं भूल गयी तो क्या करोगे..मत बोलना और्कुट में सर्च करोगे,मैं उसे जौईन नही करूँगी"

"मेरा जवाब वही होता ...अच्छा उसके अलावा...कुछ नही..और क्या कर सकते है...याद कर लेंगे बस"


"अच्छा चलो तुमपे ब्लौग लिख देंगे,एक पोस्ट तुम्हारे नाम....वैसे उम्मीद करेंगे ऐसा पोस्ट ना लिखना पड़े कभी"

और दोनो मुस्कुराने लगे...गाड़ी चलती गयी....रात चढ़ती गयी......

Saturday, December 27, 2008

है और भी दुनिया में सुखनवर बहुत अच्छे,कहते है की गालिब का है अंदाज़-ए-बयाँ और...

मिर्ज़ा गालिब..एक नाम नही एक मुकाम है..आज(27 दिसंबर) उनकी 212वीं जयंती है...मैं गालिब जी को याद करते हुये,उनके दस शेर जो मुझे बहुत पसंद है वो पाठकों से बाँटता हू...इनके हज़ारों शेरों में से ये दस शेर चुन लेना,ईमानदारी से कहू तो एक 'फ़ौर्मलिटी' ही है..बस मियाँ असद को आज के दिन याद करना था,और वो पाठक जो भूल गये हो,उनको याद दिलाना था तो सोचा कुछ शेरों से रू-ब-रू हो ले...गालिब हमारे बीच है और हमेशा रहेंगे...आमीन

इश्क ने 'गालिब' निकम्मा कर दिया।
वरना हम भी आदमी थे काम के।।

उभरा हुआ नकाब में है उनके एक तार।
डरता हू मैं कि ये न किसी की निगाह हो।।

आह को चाहिये एक उम्र असर होने तक।
कौन जीता है तेरी ज़ुल्फ़ के सर होने तक।।

हर कदम दूरी-ए-मंज़िल है नुमायां मुझसे।
मेरी रफ़्तार से भागे है बयाबां मुझसे।।

नक्शे-फ़रियादी है किसकी शोखि-ए-तहरीर का।
कागज़ी है पैरहन हर पैकरे-तस्वीर का।।

'गालिब' बुरा ना मान जो वाईज़ बुरा कहे।
ऐसा भी कोई है सब अच्छा कहे जिसे।।

उनके देखे से आ जाती है मुँह पर रौनक।
वो समझते है बीमार का हाल अच्छा है।।

हम है मुश्ताक और वो बेज़ार।
या इलाही, ये माजरा क्या है।।

जब की तुझ बिन नही कोई मौजूद।
फ़िर ये हंगामा-ऎ-खुदा क्या है।।

ज़िक्र उस परीवश का और फ़िर बयाँ अपना।
बन गया रकीब आखिर,जो था राज़दाँ अपना।।

Friday, December 26, 2008

सोचो कभी ऐसा हो तो क्या हो!!

एक रोज़ एक शायर महाशय गुज़र गये,जैसे बाकी सब मरते है कुछ कुछ वैसे ही..हमेशा तन्हाई में रहने वाले देवदासनुमा आदमी थे,अपनी शायरी की दौलत किसी के साथ बाँटी नही थी। दौलत तो पीछे छूट गयी,जैसे बाकी छूट जाती है कुछ वैसे ही...

उनके सपूत का नाम भोला था,नाम का भोला और काम का भी भोला।और एक खास बात, जनाब को शायरी की कोई समझ नही थी। पर पिताजी की "दौलत" जब इनके हाथा लगी तो उसे लोगो के बीच सुना सुनाके बहुत तारीफ़ बटोरी इन्होने।

जल्दी ही सबको पता था की भोला शायर है,और खास अवसरो पे उसे शेर सुनाने ज़रूर बुलाया जाता था.और वो जो सही समझता,उस कविता य गज़ल को लेके चल जाता...और कर देता अर्ज़।
एक बार शादी के मौके परः

ताउम्र याद रहेंगे फ़ेरे सात वो,
कुछ ऐसा कर गये मेरे साथ वो,
इसी तरह की रात थी,
जब एक घर पहुँची अपनी बारात थी,
रस्म-रिवाज हमने निभायी थी,
और मुसीबत गले से लगायी थी,
शादी के बाद का नज़ारा क्या कहना,
वो 'दर्द' दोबारा क्या कहना,
शादी ब्याह एक नौकरी है
तन्ख्वाह में बीवी मिलती है
और बोनस में बच्चे मिलते है,
झूठे सपने हासिल होते है
और प्रौब्लम सच्चे मिलते है,
तन्ख्वाह का यारों क्या कहना
ज़िंदगी में सिर्फ़ एक बार मिलती है,
और पार्ट टाईम अगर करना चाहो
तो गालियाँ बेकार मिलती है!!

उसके बाद तो भोले की जो हालत हुई,उसने तौबा कर लिया किसी जश्न में जाने से। अब ऐसे आदमी की एक ही मंज़िल हो सकती थी। तो भोला को एक मरनी मे शोक भरी कविता सुनाने का अवसर मिला...उसकी कविता,जैसे बाकी सब उसकी थी ना, कुछ कुछ वैसी ही,चलिये सुनते हैः

मरने वाले की कद्र कहाँ
तेरी कब्र पे यहा सब थूकेंगे,
तेरी प्रौपर्टी पर नज़र है सबकी
मुँह मारने से कहा ये चूकेंगे,
अपने पीछे तू छोड़ गया
दौलत के इन भूखों को,
आँखो में झूठी बरसातों को
खेतों में सच्चे सूखों को,
मरने वाले लानत तुझपर!!
लानत तेरी जात पर,
मर-कट रहे है इंसाँ देखो
बेमतलब की बात पर...

मरने वालो और उसके रिश्तेदारो की इतनी तारीफ़ करने के बदले में भोला को 'अच्छा खासा' इनाम मिला। ऐसी मेहमाननवाज़ी के बाद उसने फ़ैसला किया की किसी के मरनी पे नही । ज़ाहिर सी बात है उसे एक ही जगह पहुँचना था,पड़ोस में एक बच्चे के जन्म पे अपने पिता का एक शेर चुराके पहुचा..आईये हम भी सुनेः

माना बच्चे भगवान की सूरत है,
पर क्या हमको इनकी ज़रूरत है,
पहले ही आबादी क्या कम है
जो और मुसीबत हम पाले,
बेहतर ये है की अब इसका
कोई प्राक्रतिक हल निकाले,
ये भीड़ जमाना बंद करो,
छोटे परिवार को पसंद करो,
धरती देती है आवाज़ तुम्हे,
बदलना होगा ये अंदाज़ तुम्हे,
खाने वाले गर ऐसे बढ़ते रहे
फ़िर एक रोज़ नही मिलेगा अनाज तुम्हे....

बस इतना कहना था की मौजूद लोगो का प्यार उसपे उमड़ आया...उसने फ़िर कभी कोई कविता नही सुनायी...इतना बुरा हाल हुआ उसका,जैसे बाकी चुराये शेर सुनाने वालों का होता है ना, कुछ वैसा ही :)

थोड़ा सा व्यंगात्मक हो जाये...

पहुँचे थे एक कविता प्रतियोगिता में,
पहला नंबर अपना ही था,
पहली लाईन सुनायी...

'ज़िंदगी एक कविता है'
पहली सीट पे बैठे एक सज्जन बोले
तुमको कैसे पता है?
शायराना उत्तर दिया
जीवन दोनो के बिन सूना है,
उधर से आवाज़ आयी
आदमी है या नमूना है,
गिड़गिड़ाये हम,
एक लाईन तो
आराम से बोलने दो भाई,
तो जवाब था-हम नेता है
जनता को परेशान कर
होती है अपनी कमाई...

ज़िंदगी कविता हो ना हो
पर अपनी ज़िंदगी
एक गमसीन शायर की
गज़ल हो चुकी थी,
उस नेताजी की तमाम
कोशिशे सफ़ल हो चुकी थी,
काव्य-पाठ के अरमान सो गये
और भागने के अरमान जाग गये,
मौके की नज़ाकत को समझ
हम सिर पे पाव रख भाग गये....

अगले दिन खबर मिली
हम प्रतियोगिता जीत गये
सोचा हमने,
अपनी एक ही पंक्ति का
ये कमाल होगा,
ये खबर सुन,
उस नेता का क्या हाल होगा...

तब एक मित्र ने एहसास दिलाया हमे
की हम नेताजी के कर्ज़दार हो चुके थे,
पहल नंबर तो अपना था
और बाकी...
नेताजी के डर से फ़रार हो चुके थे!!!

ये हास्य-व्यंग में मेरी पहली कोशिश थी,जो तीन-साढ़े तीन साल पहले लिखी गयी थी..डायरी के पन्ने पलटते हुये इसपे नज़र गयी तो सोचा इसे ब्लौग पे डाल जाये...आप सबके सुझाव क इंतज़ार करूँगा,हस्य-व्यंग में काफ़ी समय से कोई कोशिश नही की है..उम्मीद है अब प्रेरणा मिलेगी

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

हम ही नाहक दीवाने हुए !!!

आज तलक जो यही किस्से सुनकर सयाने हुए,
अंदाज़-ए-बयाँ बदला तो कहते है हम दीवाने हुए

मेरी कहानियाँ हकीकत हुआ करती थी तुम्हारी,
आज मेरे असलियत के वाक्ये सब फ़साने हुए

हमारी ही नादानी से हुआ है आलम ये विशैला,
ज़मीं डगमगायी तो चांद पर जाने के बहाने हुए

हम दोनो पर ही तो गोली चलाने आया था वो नादान,
हमने सही दुश्मन पहचाना, तुम एक कौम से बेगाने हुए

चाहे कहीं की भी पाक मिट्टी हो , जड़ तो यहीं पर है,
हिंदुस्तान में बहकाये गये तो अफ़गान में ठिकाने हुए

इतना समझा के जब हम बोले की जंग नही करना,
ऐसे वतन का वास्ता दिया,जैसे हम बैठे है दीवाने हुए

Dedicated to the philosophy of unity of various beliefs and religions...and its increased importance during times of terror...during the difficult times...the philosophy of peace and prosperity...for all... aameen :)

Monday, December 22, 2008

बेखुदी मे ये कलम आप मेरी ज़ुबान होती है...

ज़िंदगी खुद एक रोज़ अपनी मौत का सामान होती है,
तभी ज़िंदगी इतनी मुश्किल,मौत इतनी आसान होती है

अपनी बुराईयों को खुद पे कभी हावी ना होने देना,
अलग इंसानो की भी परछाईयाँ एक समान होती है

सिर्फ़ तेरे आ जाने से बज़्म में रौनक नही है छायी,
देख तेरे चले जाने से कहाँ ये महफ़िल वीरान होती है

यकीनन झूठी करते है या झूठ कहते है वो लोग,
जो कहते है जहाँ में रस्मे मोहब्बत आसान होती है

या तो जला देती है या फ़िर ठुकरा ही देती है,
शमा कहाँ कभी किसी परवाने पे मेहरबान होती है

इसकी फ़ितरत पे ना हँसी आये है ना रोया ही है जाये,
वो ज़िंदगी जो ज़िंदादिली की हद से परेशान होती है

वो मुझसे पूछते है जब भी राज़ मेरी शायरी का,
क्या बताऊँ,बेखुदी मे ये कलम आप मेरी ज़ुबान होती है

an amateurish attempt at ghazal writing...yet,this has been a more satisfying attempt for me...feels like am getting back into my zone :)

Friday, December 19, 2008

नाम गुम जाएगा,चेहरा ना बदल पायेगा !!!

"एक तेरा नाम ही मुकम्मल है,इससे बेहतर नज़्म क्या होगी"

गुलज़ार जी की ये पंक्ति ज़बा पे ज़रा चढ़ गई थी,

और अपनी पोएटिक सुई उस रोज़ जैसे इसी शेर पे अढ़ गई थी,

और चढ़ गई चढ़ गई नशीली सी गलतफ़हमी जिसे उसी रात उतरना था,

और एक मुकम्मल हकीकत को एक झूठ के हाथों मरना था...

ऐसा नही की तेरा नाम लेके जी रहा था मैं

पर कभी तेरे नाम पे दिल तो धड़का था,

तेरी पहचान,मेरा अस्तित्व अलग अलग सही

इनको जोड़ने का कभी सपना तो देखा था,

किसी रोज़ नींद से उठकर सबसे पहले

यही नाम लिया होगा मैने,

कभी हँसी पे छलक आया होगा ये नाम

तो कभी आँसुओं में इसको पिया होगा मैने,

जिस नाम को ऐसा मान दिया,सम्मान दिया

मेरी उम्मीद उसके हाथो आज अपनी आबरू लुटाये बैठी है,

मेरी चाहत खुद से ही शर्मिंदा होकर

अंधेरे की जोत जलाये बैठी है

ज़माने भर से मुँह छिपाये बैठी है...

कैसे दिलाऊँ यकीं खुद को

कि नाम ही तेरा झूठा था,

मेरी दुनिया तुम्हारी थी

जो चाहत थी वो ले जाती

पर ये दर्द कैसे सहा जाये

एक झूठे पहचान से मुझको लूटा था...

मेरी हर कविता मुझसे बेहतर याद थी तुमको

जैसे मुझसे जुड़ी हर बात तुम्हारी चेतना का हिस्सा हो,

चाहे वो मेरी एक अधूरी कविता थी

या अपूर्ण सा कोई किस्सा हो,

और उस कविता का क्या जो तुमने

किसी खास के लिये लिखा था,

आज नज़र सवाल कर रही है

वो इस प्यासे सजल के लिये थी

या किसी प्यास के लिये लिखा था...

पर मैं तुमसे नफ़रत नही कर सकता

क्योंकि शायद कभी सच्ची मोहब्बत की ही नही,

मेरी तकदीर ने मेरी बेवफ़ाई को ही लौटाया है शायद

बस गुमनामी का एक नकाब पहना दिया है,

उसने कभी खन्ज़र घोंपा,कभी तलवार चलाया,

मैं बेबस..कभी शक्ल ना देखी,

तो कभी नाम ना जान पाया,

इस प्यार की नाकामी ही अपनी सबसे बड़ी सज़ा है,

और इस हार को एक नाम भी ना दे पाऊँ

शायद इसीलिये ऐसा हुआ है.....

और आज गुलज़ार जी के ये पंक्ति सार्थक लग रही है...

"प्यार को प्यार ही रहने दो कोई नाम नाम ना दो"....

after a long long wait,I finally have managed to come up with a Hindi post(almost)...the break has been considerably long,and I guess I didnt write as well as I would have wanted to...also I would like to mention that this is a pure work of fiction and so dont pester me with questions about why such a sad poem.. :P

awaiting your feedbacks...and hoping...there are plenty more to come!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Mera Pehla Pehla Pyaar

Pehla Nasha,Pehla Khumaar..honestly this feeling in my life was gifted by certain other agents apart from the usual case of 'pretty faces'.Of course the highest common factor had its share,but thinking about childhood love,there are several others which come to my mind.So time for someconfessions,some of my earliest encounters with this sweet sensation,that world calls love....

CRICKET: I know I didnt start playing cricket,the first day of my life,yet its difficult to believe.Cricket has been my passion since time immemorial(for me).A mere thought of those cricketing days floods my heart with nostalgia.This love for the game had two aspects:playing it and other including watching and reading about it.As I mentioned,I find it difficult to believe that I didnt start playing the game the day I was born,on the other hand,I remember the roots of this 'watching aspect'.It started during 96 Wills World cup.Sachin's 127 against Kenya probably was the first century I witnessed.It was love at first sight and only a couple of years later,I was an expert on cricketing issues like half of the country's population.Michael Bevan remained my hero for the next 6 years that he played,and it was then that my weird habit of getting significantly attached to various people at the emotional level began.I cheered for Bevan every time he played well and when his career came to an abrupt end,I cried for almost a couple of hours.Indian defeats also often sent me into tears.'Cricket Samraat' became a must read for me,general knowledge for me meant remebering smallest of details about any cricket match that I saw or read about.Watching cricket matches was more important than most things, innumerable exams got messed up but cricket was the priority,after all it was my first love.The way it was all over my mind,I feel it literally qualifies to become my first crush.

Now to the playing aspect...however immodest it may sound,I will have to admit that i was gifted in some ways.My physique never allowed my shots to be dangerously powerful,still at an age when my age group was learning to have a proper grip on the bat I could play wristy shots.However much I hated Azhar,I loved the grace in his batting and tried to emulate it.Till the age of 10,I had no ambition part from becoming a cricketer.Strange though it may sound,there is almost no corner of my house where I havent played cricket.This is one among many things which make every nook and corner of my place so much special for me.Playing cricket,all by myself,for 4 to 5 hours at a stretch was a prt of my routine.Slowly sanity prevailed...mera pehla pyaar zinda raha,ab bhi hai...maybe it became more mature with time :)

RAJ COMICS: One thing which is common among childhood crushes is that you have incredible memory when it comes to matters pertaining them.I surprised myself a couple of years back while reading "Miss Killer" when I could recognise that this was the first comics I had read,again as a small kid.Reading comics started with Krook Bond and Bankelal actually which Papa used to bring for me,but I hardly have any recollection of those.Nagraj and Super Commando Dhruv were the ones who ensured that I fell in love again in my childhood.Soon Raj Comics were a part of my train journeys and my tender heart gave a special meaning to Raj comics in my life.I lost my entire set of comics once but such tragedies came and went,nothing could deter me.I remeber about certain journeys by the comics I bought during them.Super Commando Dhruva soon had an iconic status similar to that of Michale bevan.Well he wasnt a person,but as a child,I so much wished that he were.SCD comics maintained high standards for a long time and I followed the life of my hero very closely.My attempt to distance myself from comics began at an age of 13,but the bond was too strong.Present status: I have read almost all SCD comics released till date (Circus is one exception) and am still totally passionate about it.An year ago when I bought a comics from Ranchi station,after a significantly long break,I was in tears(yes actually),and since then whenever I buy a comics its a matter of sheer pleasure for me.Things have changed significantly,SCD comics arent as wonderful as they used to be,but I stand by it...after all its Mera pehla pehla Pyaar!!

RANI MUKHERJI: Ok so I did say that pretty faces had their share.I watched Ghulam as a 10 year old,and saw,what was the the most stunning thing of my life till then.Though I wasnt a complete novice when it comes to things one often feels for the oppositite gender,this was to be my first celebrity crush.It surprises me how I have been loyal to these childhood passions,those heroes that I had,and people I began to admire at a very tender age.Rani Mukherji has been my favourite or the past 10 years(and counting).She mostly acted in nonsense stuff earlier,but I didnt care much about that.For me she defined beauty,and was the most beautiful thing in the universe,the very thought of whose acted as a multiplying factor for my heart beat and adrenaline rate.Again the love never faded,but became more and more mature with time,and so did my favourite actress who went on to give some of the wonderful performances later.

HINDI: This was always coming,isnt it?Hindi,the language,is surely a part of very definition of my existence,something which makes me complete.The seeds for this life long association were sown a long time back and again without sounding immodest,will have to point that a latent talent was alwys there.In class 2,when we still used to practice improvement of handwriting in special booklets,and we were learning to build up proper sentences,I was writing stories,however stupid they maybe.Fantam and Fantama were my first heroes who were warriors that fought the devils."chattan fekna" was one of my favourite expressions.Udti khopdi and Khooni Khanjar were my earliest stories.I still swell with pride thinking about the fact that,as a 7 year old, I wrote a story about a knife taking revenge of a murder where it was used.During the "namaste" period of parties,my relatives used to ask me about my stories.Gradually my studies took over this mantle,people probably discarded the story writer as a childhood craze,but like most of my crazes of those days,this lived up to become my passion.For all those who know me,I dont need to mention that am still very much in love with Hindi,which again is among my earliest associations with love......

Thats it about Mera Pehla Pehla Pyaar...it was great recollecting those best days of my life..and I do hope the readers are encouraged to do the same :)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Phenomenon called Rahat Fateh Ali Khan!!

Ye mera geet,jeevan sangeet,kal fir koi dohrayega....when Mukesh gave voice to these lines little would he have realised that the wish expressed here will largely remain unfulfilled.In the years and decades that have followed the Rafi-Mukesh-Kishore era,no male voice came close to recreating the magic of these legends.I am often accused of being prejudiced against new songs,though I always have tried to maintain a balanced viewpoint on the issue.In fact I do like many modern ones,but they have failed to create(with a few notable exceptions) the magic of the evergreen oldies.Singers are pretty good,lyricists range from below par to brilliant,Music directors from very bad(Xerox machine pritam) to good ones.Even with several godly lyrics by Gulzar sir and music by likes of SEL and Rahman,songs came and went without creating themagic that my music loving heart craved for.Something was amiss,that extra spark which could make me fall in love with the song.There are several songs which I can easily listen to ten times at a stretch(during last sem,there was a period of half a month when I listend to 'zeehale muskin" for whole morning...everyday!!),but just a handful such from the last decade or so.

I remember downloading the ringtone of Jiya Dhadak dhadak on my cell phone when I had just heard it on a couple of occasions.This summer when one of my friends asked me about my favourite singer among the present crop,I named Kumar Sanu and Rahat Fateh Ali Khan,which was a new name for him then.But now he is a big fan of his...and so am I.Slowly and steadily my admiration for this immensely talented,incredibly wonderful singer singer has increased."Bol na halke halke" took the liking to a certain fanatic level,while "Teri Ore" sung by my favourite contemporary combo intensified the feelings."Lagan laagi' was discovered a little late but again it was special. After listening to the song "mohabbat to ek javeda zindagi hai' for more than 30 times today,I realised what I had discovered.Now I feel that since Mukesh Mania happened 5 years back,no voice has had this kind of effect on me(this isnt comparable to the craze level I have for Mukesh songs,yet this is special).Hemlatas and Shreya ghoshals did sound very cute, but this is ultra special.Maybe this was the extra spark that I longed for.I may now start taking interest in newer music albums with a hope that it will have some "rahat" in the offering.This is one voice which can drive me to a level of appreciation where I can listen to it on and on and on .....I cant tolerate two similar songs from Atif but with Rahat,its special stuff.Mediocre lyrics may be forgiven and the similarity in songs would also not be looked upon by a critical insight,as this is Rahat Fateh Ali Khan at his vintage best.In fact I appreciated Himesh for giving "teri yaad saath hai",though his music clearly wasnt the sole reason. Finally I have something in the music of my generation that makes me crazy.I have heard a few of his earlier non filmy ones,and they are only a shadow of what he is producing today.So credit must go to the composers who have known how to exactly use him.I earnestly hope that bollywood keeps on getting the best out of Rahat...for the moment...I will just enjoy....."Mohabbat ki hai daasta zindagi,mohabbat na ho to kahaan zindagi..mohabbat to ek javeda zindagi hai"

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Albert Pinto ko gussa kyon aata hai!!!

He came,he saw,and he wasnt happy....this is something which aptly sums up what I have often felt for the college BIT Mesra.Now let me put this straight,I love my college and am really proud of it.Yet there have been quite a few things which have often left me disturbed.In fact my initial days were the most eventful and a pretty strange combination of the extremes;some wonderful experiences and some very forgettable ones.Anyway I will have to agree that lot of this has got to do with me as well.In fact I intend to do a little introspection here,and thus it will be the second consecutive post which is totally spontaneous,straight from the heart(and no rough work)

"You Can Win" mentions attitude as the most important thing for success,but then this is one aspect which can be ur biggest enemy if morphosised in an improper manner.I have realised for long now that I am one really short tempered guy,in fact being a huge self admirer that I am,I feel this is one of my rare bad qualities(but a very significant one).For the last couple of days(in fact within a few hours I have had a few bad experiences where most factors mentioned above were the villains,the temper and certain other things around me,which have always been a disturbing element for me.Yesterday evening, I had a simple quarrel with one of my 'friends',well in this case one of the guys around me which I really really dislike and still things seem so normal between us...hipocricy is such an integral part of the daily routine it seems.So due to the obvious reasons,I was completely unaffected by the turn of the events when things worsened.Using abuses for each other was never a novelty between us,but there things "slightly" went out of control.It started with my "temper" over powering my conscious,when I talked about "tumko to Mumbai mein ghuske maarenge"...there was even a possibilty of things taking an ugly turn when there was an odd remark of Raj Thakre(surprise!!!).Luckily it didnt get out of hand.We are pretty much on talking terms(hypocricy u know),in fact we did some cheating together in our practical exam today :) ...such is life,I didnt get much chance to think over the matter,so having regrets doesnt really come into the equation.Still there is something about me which makes me a frequent participant in such "not so desirable" situations.

The very next day(today) had worse in store.There was a general agreement among the majority about not submitting an assignment today,and I was unfortunate enough not to be aware of it.Being unaware is again something which comes very naturally to me,so no surprises here.So like any average student I took the assignment to the class and was completing the cover page for it.Lady luck played a prank on me and certain seemingly insignificant events subsequently became a source of headache for me.It was when our 'esteemed' teacher walked into the class(why the hell did he have the first period...why the hell did I go early like always).One glance at my assignment,a little curiosity and he had a good look over it,when he eplained that this wasnt what he expects from us.Ok need to clarify that we have 3 common questions(for each of us) and as is expected from good engineers only one had worked on it and rest were expected to copy it down.The fact that our "esteemed" one asked us to make changes had to bring about a sense of frustation as many people had given a couple of precious hours to it.But what surprised me was that some sensible ones thought that it was because of me that the question was changed.As is the usual case,some of the close ones did understand me but then the general opinion formed here is a different thing alltogether.Not that it matters much,but somehow being the 'over emotional' person that I am,such "meaningless" stuff affects me,at times pretty seriously.It was during this episode that another person managed to get onto my nerves.Once again he is someone who doesnt exactly fall in the 'loved ones" category of mine,well he is a friend though...thats life.It was a 'discussion" which lasted a few seconds,but got pretty heated up.Well a certain comment which was on the grounds of 'maar-peet' was slightly over my threshold limit and I had my second proper fight in few hours.

Then there was the incident with a person about whom I had commented yesterday "today is the first time I have seen him angry"and I got to witness the second time just a day later,and being at the receiving end wasnt a pleasing affair.Anyway he happens to be someone I have admired,and like being with(ok this is different),but this altercation was somewhat of a lesser degree and so it had a levelling effect.Anyway feeling nostalgic is something which comes very naturally to me,all this made me go down the memory lane,into the valleys of my first semester when I realised that how powerful the situations can get in a world where people around you are like waiting to get influenced by whatever they get to see,hear or hear that someone else has heard or seen!!The time I have spent here made me aware of a certain peculiar characteristic of mine...statistically speaking,over 80 percent of people I meet garner a wrong first impression of mine...some of my present close friends once had a very very negative impression of mine.Such things are a point to ponder about and often they make me realise something,probably even help me understand myself better.

The Million Doallar Question..Do I change myself?Isnt this getting angry at small things an activity which technically will qualify as a bad habit,and thus needs to be rectified.They say life is a strange teacher,it takes its test first and then gives the lesson.From whatever I have learned from this teacher,I believe there are certain shortcomings in me which actually make me complete,the whole temper thing being one of these.There have been infinite instances where I kept taking pangas,and certain hostilities never add delight to your life.But then it was this "negative" that made me go crazy when a teacher scolded my friend in the class for no genuine reason,to the extent that I argued with him over it.I know out of 120 students in the class,119 wont do such a thing,and it does feel awesome(really couldnt find a more appropriate word for this) in not being in these 119,but then you have to pay price for not being among the majority at times.Another thing is that I dont usually say things I dont mean,and yes even with all the default hypocricy that is a part and parcel of the daily routine.Once I was sent out by a teacher(of course it has happened many times,just dicusing a particular case) when I just went out without saying anything to him.Later several people commented that I should have said sorry.There were certain things which I tried to explain,but maybe it was too "different" for people to accept and in the end it was just regarded as a rude gesture on my part.For someone who was mocked for touching the feet of the worst teacher of the school on teachers day,being disrespectful never came naturally,well it never will,am pretty sure about that.Still you wont find many who will understand you when you are different,as I mentioned the crowd is just too keen on getting influenced by the popular opinion.There have been quite a few similar incidents where I have fought it out for something,and whenver its been for someone else,it has made me believe that the temper-a-mental aspect isnt such a negative after all.

I havent had the best of time during the last 24 hours,things may even get worse in near future,but at the end of the day its all about the choices you make,and the priorities that you decide upon.Self satisfaction is something which has mattered more to me than anything else,there are certain things that complete me,which make me what I am,and I have been proud of it.Sajal wont change,there would be more fights,more grudges,certain tense moments...but few odd ones here and there which mean much more to me....He came,he saw....he wasnt happy....but certainly...made a difference :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

In Life and in Cricket...some voids can never be filled!!

Though the heading indicates two aspects, namely ,life and cricket,here I intend to discuss just
one of them...and for a change,the less philosophical of the options available.Indian cricket team,by the end of this series,would have lost two of the greatest players that ever played
the game.Sourav Ganguly retires after the 4th test while Kumble announced his abrupt
retirement,something which I came to know a few hours back.For someone who saw cricket as a very integral part of his life for around 12 years now,these retirements mean a lot to me at the emotional level.I couldnt stop myself from expressing myself on this,and I want this to be completely spontaneous,and thus,after more than 20 posts and an year of blogging,this will be the first post which is directly being typed(no rough work).Anil Kumble,to me is someone who is as important as Sachin Tendulkar,but with much less credit and importance given for his service.Even the eras where the two were the most important ones in their respective departments,have surprising similarity(late 90s).Kumble probably won more tests for his country than any player for any country...and mind you am not exaggerating facts..I really cant think of another example where one cricketer had so much impact on the victories of his nation.Azhar won 14 tests as captain while ganguly won 21,and Kumble made the difference in most of them(except Azhar's earliest ones).People started taking him for granted,and he was never really given the status he so richly deserved.The obsession of fans for batting and batsmen also contributed to the same.300 wickets happened(probably Hoggard),400 happened(probably Simon katich),went past Kapil and went on to become first indian to take 500 and 600 wickets(certainly Harmison!!).Kumble ends his career as the highest wicket taker for India in both forms of the game.He did fall just short of 1000 wickets,but then the career isnt short of major
landmarks anyway.I remember listening to the match on radio,where Kumble picked up 10
Pakistani wickets.When he picked up 8,i began to pray that he gets the last 2,and that happened.There was a time,when most of the times India went to ball,the opposition innings
followed a certain pattern.They got off to a flier,but then Kumble came,brought things under
control.For years he kept doing this over and over again.I personally remember a match against
Pakistan,where Afridid struck him for 5 fours in his 1st over,and he still ended with 4/53 in his
10 overs,this was Anil,the fighter,the warrior.When Kumble had his off days,like any human soul has,it became so much dificult for India.When Anwar scored 194,he lofted Kumble for 3 consecutive sixes in 1st of the slog overs,and that changed the entire complexion of the innings.The last decade did see the discovery of Turbanator,who now becomes even more important after kumble departs,yet Kumble remained the best spinner for the country,for all the years that he played.Watching Kumble bowl at his best was such a special feeling.There isnt much you can enjoy in the bowling,but when it was kumble with the bowl,it was different.Even with al the fuss about him not being a big turner of the ball,when he started turning it,he was simply unplayable.Like thousands and thousands of die hard fans,am going to miss this cricketing legend for a long long time to come.As I said,there are a few voids which remain unfilled,there certainly can not be any replacement for Anil kumble.Wish him all the best in everything he does in the future,I salute the champion.

Any cricket fan goes crazy over a hard fought Indian victory,such matches have a special
significance for them.But when one talks about natwest final,it was made special for more than
one reason.The passion that the Indian captain displayed,even when he was in the pavillion is a
sight to remember.That sums up the "dada" and his character.I once read about Sourav...Love him or Hate him,you cannot Ignore him"...how prophetic the words sound.Personally I have been one of those who had his share of love as well as hatred,as i never was one of the "biased" fans of dada.One thing which always amazed me was the "variety" in his performances.I mean when at his best, one could actually use the expression "first there is god,then there is Ganguly" and the smae batsman at times batted like a no.10 batsman.I remember the embarassing match vs England where he got at least 5 lives,most of the runs he scored were off edges and was
consequently out for just about 15 runs!!..and I also remember infinitely many instances(ok this
is an exaggeration) when he stepped out to a spinner as if he was getting out for a morning
walk,and lofted deliveries out of the ground.Ganguly gets heap of praises for his off side play,but for me,watching him hit sixes,were the most special moments.In one of his SA tours when he was hitting a lot of sixes against faster ones as well,it was like watching cricket at its best.Left arm spinners feared bowling him,and when he stepped out our subconscious would add half a dozen to the Indian score without any time delay!!...now something about Ganguly,the captain.I already rate Dhoni as the best Indian captain ever(everybody will after 5 years,am sure) but presently ganguly is the most "successful" one.Indian cricket team had won a
little over 50 tests when Ganguly bacame the captain,and the team added 21 more in the next
few years.Even with more results being produced,the fact that only 26% of the matches in
his captaincy ended in draws(even with so many dead pitches in the subcontinent) speaks volumes about the aggression in his captaincy.A lot of credit for shaping the future of Indian
cricket,goes to dada.The agression and the attitude that we see in the team of today owes
largely to the Bengal Tiger.One can laugh his ass off on a video available on youtube,where Ganguly is upset when an Injured Yousuf is getting treatment and comments something like"time waste karenge ye log aur fir mera paisa katega"..Ganguly is also one of those who was
successful in all sorts of conditions,and for those who still feel he cannot handle the short
ball,I would like to mention that on the most bouncy tracks of the world,his record is as good
as that of Tendulkar.

Rahul Dravid,I feel will shortly join this group of retired cricketers.The kind of lean patch that
he is presently undergoing,will probably qualify among the 10 of the rarest things on this
planet!!..Watching these players say goodbye to the game has its share of sentimental as well as
philosophical importance,when it comes to me.I grew up watching them play,I messed up many exams to watch them on the tv screen,I abused the,I praised the,I danced when they won,sometimes did cry when they lost..and there are millions like me...Just goes to show that nothing is permanent,even the best comes to an end,careers end,eras end..we become really really senti(as I am now) and then we move one...but then..THERE ARE VOIDS WHICH WILL NEVER BE FILLED,LEGENDS WHO WILL ALWAYS REMAIN UNPARALLELED..

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Wednesday...fakr hai!!

"usne mujhe apna naam bataya par main wo naam kisiko nahi bata sakta,insaan naam mein mazhab dhoondh leta hai"this is just one of the many brilliant dialogues in a really brilliant movie.A Wednesday is already somewhere among the highest rated ones in my favourites list,its too close to me,in fact its a part of me.

"I want to do something like this" is what one of my friends said when I asked for a comment on this movie.It was a special moment for me.Soon three of us were discussing about the ways we can serve the country,the needs,the possibilities and above all, the dreams and the aspirations...At a time when placements are slowly becoming the talk of the town,we discussed,at length,about trying for IAS/IPS instead,money matters,but service to the country
comes first(as the motto of my school goes"service before self").Watching the youth of my nation discuss these issues,and formulate these ideas,was already a matter of joy,and being a participant in it made me feel even more proud.This was the result of believing in the power of "one common man who has the guts".This was the effect of a phenomenon called "A Wednesday'... :)

A Wednesday,in its title sounds like just another routine bollywood stuff,and then if you hear about the concept,terrorism,police,bombs etc etc, sounds even more monotonous...where and how does this movie aquire this special status,which some people like me are so hell bent on giving it.A basic question...what makes it a special one??

Presenting a systematic analysis in an attempt to explore for an answer to the above question...one point to be noted is that this isnt the work of some film critic,its just the feelings of someone who could feel the movie...and felt like sharing them...and once again its the strong points that I mostly noticed during the 95 minutes,and am hereby discussing them...

MESSAGE: "the morale of the story is" a phrase which all of us have heard on numerous occasions,just like the stories with strongest impacts are often the ones with this morale aspect as their strong point,similarly for movies its the message front which has a similar status in terms of importance(not talking abt the megatalented johars and farah khans)..the impact of the movie is,to a large extent reflected in this message factor...."one common man had the guts"this is for us to realise,each one of us is "a" common man,and any of us can become "that" common man.its not about going around killing the terrorists,in fact,taking another quote from the same movie "aaj main tareeke ke baare mein nahi nateeje ke baare mein soch raha hoon",we may have our own different ways,with different effects,the belief in the idea of a common man making the difference is what is crucial.Simple,yet intensely strong,ever inspiring idea,full marks to the message the movie conveys.

PERFORMANCES:This is something which personally impressed me a lot.Naseeruddin Shah(my favourite actor) and Anupam Kher are two of the world's' best actors,and their performances in the movie can serve as acting lessons,you need to see it to believe it.Actually one also needs to have some understanding of finer naunces of acting to realise
how technically brilliant the two stalwarts are in the movie.The 10 minute long conversation towards the end stands out,Naseer Sir at his very best(this is easily a filmfare winning performance)...other actors provide able support,Jimmy Shergil being the surprise package,and he really impresses.One of my friends compared this performance to Nana Patekar ones.Full marks again.

STORY,SCRIPT AND DIRECTION:Story,script and direction by Neeraj Pandey.The name is new for me but am already a huge fan of him.All the three aspects are awesome,my preference list would read story,script and direction in descending order.The fact that I rate this as one of the best directed movies in last decade sums up how much I admired all these three efforts.The
story has just a few twists(watch race instead to see an insanely twisted storyline) but they are apt and beautifully thought of.To my knowledge,this is an original storyline(in fact Hollywood would be proud to copy such stuff)which has agin been scripted with an equal elegance and expertise.Imaginativ,as well as technically correct direction,gives that added dimension to this movie.
Some of the scenes will remain etched in my memory for a long time.The long conversation towards the end(10 mins!!) no doubt,stands out,but some of the short conversations that Commisioner rathod has with Arif and Jai are also not far behind.Brilliant dialogues are like a necessity to a brilliant movie,and we are not least dissapointed at this front.There are certain minute things which need a little after thought,a slight analysis to get the real taste of
it.The potrayals of Arjun Khanna,CM and his secretary,the media(this could have been better though) and even the police in general(being projected,for a change,as a responsible hardworking unit,though not always equipped enough to counter the situation)are well chalked out and beautifully presented.Its easy for the CM to say things in rallies,also easy to give orders and express worries,difficulty always lies in the actual implementation level.The 'minority group'
comment by Arjun Khanna and the words of Commisioner"ye bacha kaun hai" are among the favourites of a couple of my friends.Also the way Anupam Kher pleads helplessness,and thus makes CM order the encounter of the last terrorist,when he was very sure that the person had not planted any bomb(reflected in the last conversation he has with Naseeruddin)....isnt it all brilliant? :)

Naseeruddin Shah's role is something which actually turns this movie from very good to brilliant.It makes it so much more special,at least for me,when I can watch him at the peak of his charisma,for the good screen space that he gets.The abuse by Naseer Sir,frankly speaking,is another very special moment(I totally support it) for me,just shows how intense the anger is.Indeed its the time for the common man to act...and I do hope that such "wednesdays' are released every friday.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Ek Adhoori Kavita....ek baras baad :)

19 August,this year,saw another milestone accomplished.A week after "Jaane Bhi Do yaaro" completed 25 years,my blog "Ek Adhoori Kavita" completed an year.Like infinite other things in
my life,whenever I look back at my blogging journey,it does make me feel a bit emotional.It started simply by an attempt to share my poems on a forum but for the past few months I have
enjoyed writing on a variety of topics.I know there are a few,who are eager to have me back to my poetic ways,have a Hindi post from my side,actually I myself want this badly.Its just that I havent been much into Hindi poetry lately but will definitely try and come up with,what was the primary driving force behind this blogging idea.Yun bhi kalakar ke marne se pehle kala to maregi nahi...kuchh der so zaroor sakti hai :)

Thank you all for your support in making this a sweet and, indeed a memorable journey.I take this as an opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude towards everyone who contributed to

Kavya,you have been the biggest inspiring force,a friend who always encouraged me to try and improve,one who always made me love my own imagination.A very special thanks to you.

My sister Ankita who often surprised me by commenting on my blog and it was always special
to have support from such fronts.Hope I live upto your expectations in my efforts always.

My friends like Gauri and MK deserve a special mention.You two were the forces behind 4 to 5
posts on this blog."Kya Hindi aisi bola jaati hai" about MK's linguistic genius has the maximum
comments while "Lafzo ki Imaarat" inspired by a line Gauri (Gaurav Saxena from Gzb remember??) uttered remains my personal favourite among my compositions till date.

Pushpak,Nivedita,Vivek,Pallav,Vandana and all others who joined me in this journey of mine from time to time,you made me really enjoy it.I hope I find you people by my side in the future as well.

Now time to mention the biggest contributor,Prashant Bhaiya,the person who inspired me to get into blogging and has been a constant source of motivation and guidance.Bhaiya aapka aashirvaad milte rahe hamesha.In the past few months I have seen quite a few people around
me getting inspired by me to start their blogs,and it really felt special,felt importantant,and it was all because an year back you had a similar effect on me.

I wind up with a note of thanks to this place,called blogspot,where Sajal,the poet,Sajal,the person,Sajal,the dreamer...expressed himself on various topics.

"Mulaakato ke mele lagte rahenge yun hi...zindagi ka kaarwaa jab tak chalta rahega"

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro....25 years later!!

Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro..summing it in one line I will say "remarkably simple,simply remarkable".Released on 12 August 83,it completed 25 years a couple of months back.Taking some time out of my,anyhow,not so busy schedule to pen down some of my thoughts about what went on to create this masterpiece.A classic,which not only entertains,but also enlightens.I wont comment much about the plot so even those who havent seen the movie are most welcome to go through my take on the movie.I do hope some of them get encouraged to watch it...as the saying goes(again it doesnt,I just made it up) "there are two kind of people in this world,one who have seen Jaane bhi do yaaro...one who havent".

Any movie may be said to be composed of two aspects,the strong points,and the weak points.But at times you come across works where you get to notice just one of them.Lets dicuss some of the
factors which make this movie wonderful,and I leave the negatives to people who were not
intelligent enough to appreciate its brilliance at some occasions.Here we go...

STAR CAST:Probably the best star cast ever assembled,the movie has some of the best character artists.Apart from Naseeruddin Shah and Om puri,all others were fresh faces then.Starcast includes acting stalwarts like Pankaj Kapoor and Ravi baswani,ably supported by fine actors like Satish shah(who brilliantly played a corpse in the movie),Satish Kaushik,Rajesh Puri,Neena gupta,Bhakti barve.Only other movie I can think of being compared to it in terms of starcast is "ek ruka hua faisla".The reason why I rate the cast so highly is that it isnt a combo of biggest stars,but the biggest actors.This ensured that all performances were top class.Ravi Baswani won the best comedian award for the moviewhile Om Puri's comic skils were discovered for the first time in this movie.

STORY:I would like to lay emphasis on the fact that the movie has a brilliant storyline,being presented as a satire(or a farce).There is no forced laughter,in fact the movie actually has some very emotional moments and some serious questions being raised on the social framework.Some of the scenes have dry humour which may not make you laugh but you cant admire the beauty of sarcasm in it(wo gutter ke liye jeeye aur gutter ke liye mar gaye).Many scenes depicting the character sketch of Tarneja fall under this category.

CLIMAX: Personally I consider it as the best climax ever among bollywood comedies.The mahabharat scene is beautifully scripted,excellently enacted and very well developed on the screen.The parody is awesome(watch out for a young Vidhu Vinod Chopra playing Dushasan).The twists and turns keep adding to the fun element.The chase sequence earlier is also damn hillarious.Be it the characters falling on the roller skates or jumping from the first floor,its so much enjoyable.In fact one gets the impression that its very much the inspiration behind all Priyadarshan comedies.The more you pay attention to the scene,the more you can appreciate its beauty.Do not miss out on Satish Kaushik's comment: "Sir laash bhaag rahi hai"The ending of the movie is also a very touching moment,and you are left with a strong after effect.

TECHNICAL ASPECTS: The movie was made on a small budget(of less than 9 lakhs).Some of the better products of Film Institute Pune got their act together and made a
masterpiece out of this small budget.People involved in making and presenting this movie are
some of the talented people from the world of Indian cinema,and thus the movie showcases high
technical brilliance in most aspects.The more one gets to know about the movie the more one can appreciate its class.Kundan Shah's name deserves a special mention as he was the brain behind this movie.

The movie didnt work at box office when it released,but 25 years since its release it has
gradually acquired a cult status(similar to the fate of Kundan Shah's other brilliant work Kabhi
Haan Kabhi Naa)"thoda khao thoda feko" and some lines during Mahabharat Parody are dialogues of eternal value...often regarded as the "baap of all comedies",though in my opinion,its not just a comedy movie,in fact its not just a movie,its a heritage that we can all be proud about.I salute everyone involved in gifting this immortal gem.If you havent seen it,you are yet to have one of the wonderful experiences of your life.Give it a shot :)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Visit To Paradise...

Delhi Public School,Ranchi...for most its just the name of a school...for me though,apart from the obvious,it means a lot more.I,ladies and gentlemen,in whatever form am existing,owe it a lot to this place.My overall personna,from the way I speak,smile,laugh to the more important ones like the way I firt etc...have been affected largely by this institution.So when I made a visit to this place(couple of months back),as an alumni of the school,I knew it would be a special moment.

A really beautiful aspect of the statistical irony is that things never turn out to be as good as one wishes...its always worse or better than that.For me,it turned out to be way better than I had expected.It was a fairytale experience,everything being so goody goody and happy happy.About my student life,by some miracle of a combined effect of favourable factors and crucial coincidences,I was a good student for most of it.I was naughty,but in an innocent manner,which kept me making a favourite among many teachers.All said and done,I did expect a good response on my visit.

The day was officially a holiday for students,as vacations had started,but the teachers had to report for a couple of days more.This meant that most of the teachers were free.It was fun meeting them.The icing on the cake was that I had another friend with me,who also had a very very 'popular' student life and was a darling of teachers.Suddenly I was begining to feel a happiness which was above most feelings.It was like I wanted to shower as much respect as I
could,to my teachers in those few moments...and surely it was damn sweet,really cute.My reply when a hindi teacher commented about my height and the need for me to grow taller,was" prakriti ke saath jitna kam chhedchhad kiya jaye utna achha hai" and I had half of the staff
room staring at me.Well,philosophy doesnt flow in daily there I realised.The manner in which I interacted with two of the most senior teachers of my school was very refreshing..at times felt as if I was kind of teasing them,and the funny thing is...I really enjoyed it.Visit to Maths Lab was another superb feeling,more so because we didnt have one in our times.I even suggested a book for such stuff,and felt important,when mam assured that she will make it available in the
library...it gave that typical 'alumni' feel.

Every passing minute made the visit even more special.Now it was the turn to go around our 'old building' .We were welcomed by a teacher of the junior classes(whom we grew up seeing as a 'young girl') who commented:"us building mein itna change hua hai,ye vaisa hi hai, to isko kyon yaad karoge";when the philosopher inside me came up with the prompt reply: "yahaan change nahi huaa hai isiliye ye zyaada apnaa lagta hai"..The most special part was our short stay in the
Ladies Staff Roomof this building.I stood there surrounded by teachers,who have made my present and are still contributing,though in an indirect manner, in shaping my future.Teachers were really happy,in fact ecstatic on meeting us.Words cannot sum up how proud,how good I was feeling then.Moreover with my above average sense of humour,I really brightened up the mood.Teachers cashed in on the opportunity to break free from the daily monotony and the
staff room turned into a miniature party hall.Some of the teachers remebered things from my childhood(my history teacher of class 6 and 7 told others how I was always the first one to submit the answers in the class test)...I provided a special touch from time to time.

I think I actually realised what it is like,being a teacher.We as students witnessed changes in our academic career from junior teachers,to the senior ones,to the more senior ones to the college life..while for them,it is like the same life,everyday,over and over again.We then shared many things..I was asked quite a few times if I still was a naughty boy,and I kept on coming up with better(more witty) answers...teachers told us how with the awesome increase in the number of students and even more awesome fall in levels of values and discipline(since ourtimes),now they dont feel any attachment towards the kids...I must admit those were emotional moments for me..I realised a lot of things,understood many...made a few promises to myself(even told a
teacher that I will pay a visit to the school with my wife once I get married )...really hope to fulfill them.
Nostalgia is a funny thing...makes u feel sad and yet you are quite happy about it.I will always miss my school days,but I believe,in fact I know...that a part of DPS will always live in me.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

PARODY-4....Kuchh kuchh hota hai

This is the last one that I have written so far...like any other karan Johar movie,I was totally dissapointed by this movie...some of the reasons for it may reflect on the "ekanki"...I hope people(especialy those who like this movie) wont take it otherwise... thanks :)

Its the scene where Rahul and Anjali meet...Rahul has to tell her that he is in love with Anjali,while Anjali has to express that she loves him...now the scene :P

rahul: heyyy anjali...aaj main bahut khsh hoon,mujhe tumse kuchh kehna hai.

anjali: mujhe bhi kuchh kehna hai.

rahul: pehle tum

anjali: pehle tum

rahul: jis tarah lucknow ke nawaabo ki gaadi pehle aap,pehle aap karte karte chhot gayiiii,vaise hi humari baat,pehle tum pehle tum mein reh jaayegi.chalo main kehta hoon.koi mil gaya....main to hil gaya....

anjali: achha,bas yehi bolna tha ab meri baari."aksar ek ladki is haal mein,ek ladke se solave saal mein,jo kehti hai wo mujhe kehna hai"

rahul: hmmmmm...anjali,anjali...kahin tumhe mujhse pyar to nahi ho gaya?

anjali: haan,aur kya?kuch kuch hota hai rahul

rahul: ye kuch kuch kab hua tumko?

anjali: claas mein jab mam ne pyar pe wo sawaal kiya naa,to pehle to main has rahi thi ki kaun se collg mein,final year mein,aisa sawaal poochhte hai. par fir tumhara reply sunke,kuch kuch ho gaya rahul.tumne hi to kaha tha pyar dosti hai.

rahul: haan,kaha tha.par ye kahaan bola tha ki har dosti pyar hai.jaane kya kya soch baithi tum?mujhe pata hota ki meri baat ka itta asar hoga to main kehta ki pyar..achanak mein ek khoobsoorat ladki se takra jaana hota hai....pyar ek videshi ladki se hindustani bhajan sunnna hota hai aur aur.....

anjali:rahul...tum tina ki baat kar rahe ho na??kya rahul,tumhe uski chhoti skirt aur classical bhajan ka diverse combination dikha par humari saalo purani dosti nahi dikhi "tujhe yaad na meri aayi kisi se ab kya kehna"

rahul: nahi anjali..nahii...main tumhara dil nahi todna chahta,kabhi nahi.main confused hoon

(tina enters..)


rahul: haan samajh gaya.heyyyy...dekho faisla to karna hoga naa.tum dono mujhpe flat ho lekin ek bhartiy mard hone ke naate main ek ko hi choose kar sakta hoon.achha ek race karaate hai.

anjali: mujhe laga basketball kheloge...par race bhi thik hai.ye moti to zaroor haregi

rahul: ek recent film mein aisa race tha jisme saamne se train aati hai aur do log patri pe daudte hai.

tina: par rahul...ye to bahut dangerous hai...agar kuchh ho gaya...kisi ka pair fas gaya to??

rahul: to kya? tab doosri waali uski madad kar degi aur fir pehli waali meko uske liye sacrifice kar degi..heheyeee....dekho sab filmy grounds pe chala to faisla zaroor hogaa....to 5 min ki race rakhte hai....jaao apne upar waale se ye 5 minute cheen lo...apni sabse achhi daud laga do...ye 5 minute tumhare zindagi ke sabse khaas 5 minute hai....aeyyyy....daro mat tum dono!!

train paas aaye,seeti bajaye,tum hi kaho hum kaise,race lagaaye.....ab to mera dil,dar ke maare rota hai....kya karoon haaye....kuch kuch hota hai!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

PARODY-3... Dil to pagal hai

No offences to ppl who liked this movie...i really hated it....iska poora concept misleading sa laga tha...i have always believed in mature and intelligent love...not the filmy kind of pyaar which was shown in this movie...
aisa hi ek idea present kiya hai is film ki ek scene ke parody ke roop mein....where karishma and Shahrukh are talking after the scene where karishma tried to outclass madhuri in dance,due to her jealousy...
comments and suggestions again most welcome :)

nisha: rahul,main bahut buri hoon.maine jo kiya,mujhe nahi karna chahiye tha.tumhari khushi mein meri khushi honi chahiye par main puja se jalne lagi.

rahul: nahi na nishaaa...tum to..hheyyy...bahut achhi ho.meri sabse achhi dost.tum buri ho hi nahi sakti.

nisha: fir tum us puja pe lattoo kaise ho gaye?kya wo mujhse zyada sundar hai?mujhse behtar dance karti hai?aisa kya rahul??

rahul: nahi na nishaaaa....dil to pagal hai na.pagal kabhi sahi decision le hi nahi sakta.achhi to tum hi ho,lekin is dil ne use choose kar liya.

nisha: kyon rahul,akhir kyon?

rahul: wo puja ne mohabbat ki aisi philosophy batayi mujhe.ki upar waale ne sabko jodiyon mein banaya hai.har insaan ke liye uska ek jeevan saathi hai.

nisha: fir sex-ratio itna kam kyon hai rahul?

rahul: pata nahi,shayad puja galat ho.vaise bhi ye uske dil ka kehna hai...aur...hmmmmmm....dil to pagal hai naa??vaise ek doosra point of view ye bhi hai ki sabke jeevan saathi opposite sex ke nahi hote

nisha: mujhe unse kya?maine to tumse pyar kiya tha par tumne puja ko apna liya.mera to dil toot gaya.

rahul: isme bhi galti puja ki philosophy ki hai.jab maine usse poochha ki main us ladki ko pehchanoonga kaise?kya wo mere liye haath mein gulab liye khadi hogi?kya use dekhke dil mein kuchh kuchh hone lagega?badal garajne lagenge ya bijli chamakne lagengi?...

nisha: to usne kya kaha rahul?

rahul: puja kehti hai ki upar waala ek ishara dikhata hai jise hume sahi dhang se interpret karna hota hai.jaise use mera ek tune pasand aata tha aur 2-3 baar aisa hua jab usne is tune ko suna par mujhe dekh nahi paayee.bas wo samajh gayi ki use mujhse pyar ho gaya hai.

nisha: aur tum kaise samjhe rahul?

rahul: mujhe bhi to ishaare hote they na?yahaan wahaan wo dikh jaati thi,uska cake mere paas aa gaya aur yahan tak ki wo ek achhi dancer nikli. aur us dukaan mein jab bina pant mujhe uske saamne aana pad gaya....yehi to pyaar hai nishaa....upar waale ka ishara hai

nisha: main buri nahi rahul,tum bure ho...aur pagal bhi...dil to pagal hai rahul,shayad isiliye hume apne dimaag se kaam lena chahiye,pyaar ke maamle mein bhi...par tum nahi samjh paaye...tum dono paglon ko tumhara pyar mubarak

(in the background).....
itne to aasaa nahi,is jeevan ke raaste,
asal mein har insaa bana,hai zimmedariyon ke vaaste...

PARODY-2 ... Anand marte nahi

Anand is one of the greatest movie ever made....and for me the most philosophical....but meri kuchh uljhane hai...ajeeb lagta hai jab people of my generation dont really appreciate its philosophy, at times....aur gar kar bhi le,to jis raat race aur competitive world ka hissa,by default,hum sab log ban chuke hai...wo hume ise apnaane hi nahe detaa...the scene presented here is on this basic idea itself....its the entry scene of Rajesh Khanna(Anand sehgal)...the main difference is that Amitabh is not the quiet,patient kind of guy that he was in the movie.....yahaan wo anand se bahas karta hai...here it comes:

anand: hey babu moshaaye,college mein ladkiyaan aapko yehi bulaya karti thi naa?trivedi ne
mujhe sab bata diya hai.

bhaskar:ek to ye mere aur trivedi ke beech ka personal matter hai....aur agar ladkiyaa mujhe pataane ke liye is naam se bulaati thi to mere hisaab se aapko mujhe is naam se nahi bulana chahiye

anand:nahi nahi babu moshaaye....

bhaskar:ajeeb aadmi hai,main mana kar raha hoon aur aap hai ki...

prakash:anand,main tumhari x-ray plate bhaskar ko dikha raha tha.

anand: arre waah yahaan to apni hi film chal rahi hai.kyon kya nikal?

bhaskar: wo main trivedi ko likh doonga,aapko fikr karne ki zaroorat nahi.

anand: kamaal hai meri cheez aur main hi fikr na karoon?

bhaskar: kya jaana chahte hai aap?kya karenge jaanke?

anand:kam se kam beemari ka naam to batana padhega.koi poochh le to maloom hona chahiye varna badi embarassment hogi.jis cheez se jaan ja rahai hai,itni important cheez ka naam hi nahi maloom.uske alawa aapko estimation bhi dena hoga ki main kitne din aur rahoonga,uske hisaab se bombay mein apne programs banaaonga

bhaskar: agar main kahoon ki aapko "Lymphosarcoma of the intestine" hai to aaap kya kahenge?

anand: main aapse kahoonga is baat ko agar aap ghooma fira ke kehte zara aur sajake kehte to achha hota.

bhaskar:bhaskar:ye mazak aur maskharepan ki baat nahi hai.do you know the meaning of lymphosarcoma?

anand: dekhiye general concept to pata hai,par exact matlab nahi pata.wo aap jaise bio-students ko hi rata hua rehta hai.(explains the concept)he babu moshaaye,eta bhalobasha bhalo naai,itna pyaar achha nahi.aapki umar kya hai?

bhaskar: 28 saal 254 din

anand: 100 mein se 28 saal 254 din gaye kitne bache dost?
(prakash takes out a calci)
anand: dhat tere ki!! isme bhi calculator.doctors aur dukaandaaro ko har cheez ke liye calculator chahiye.bache 71 saal 111 din.babu moshaye,aap isse zyaada zinda nahi rahenge..

bhaskar: dekhiye main samajh sakta hoon ki aap kya dialogue maarna chahte hai,par aapko bata doon ki log 100 saal se zyada zinda rehte hai.ek medical science ke aadmi ke agae technical mistakes nahi chalengi.

anand: jitne bhi saal ho babu moshaaye.....main to ye kehna chahta hoon ki kya fark hai 70 saal aur 6 maheeno mein?maut to ek pal hai babu moshaaye.aane waale 6 maheeno mein jo laakho pal main jene waala hoon unka kya hoga?babu moshaaye zindagi badi honi chahiye,lambi nahi

bhaskar: aap aisa isliye keh rahe hai kyonki aapka koi nahi.unse poochhiye jinke relatives hai.birthday,shadi mein jashn manaane ki tarah logo ko marni mein rone ka bhi shauk hota hai.agar aap jaise log marte waqt bhi dukhi nahi honge to un armaano ka kya??

anand: babu moshaaye,ye to ek galat convention chala aa raha hai,usi ko to badalna hai.jaante hai humari problem kya hai,hum kal ke dukh ke baare mein soch apne aaj mein zeher ghol lete hai.maut ke darr se jeena chhod diya to fir marna kise kehte hai?jab tak zinda hoon tab tak mara nahi...jab mar gaya saala main hi nahi...to fir darna kaisa?

bhaskar: easy for u to say mr.anand sehgal.aaj ke is competitive world mein jeene se zyaada marna asaan hai.carefree se careless banne mein waqt nahi lagta hai.6 maheene jeene waale ko kal ki koi fikr nahi,par jiske aage poora future hai use bahut kuchh sochna padta hai

anand: maaf karna babu moshaaye,trivedi ne mujhe aapse mazaak karne ke liye manaa kiya tha.par kya karoon,aadat se majboor hoon,sacchee.

bhaskar: koi baat nahi,mujhe koi khaas humour nazar nahi aaya aapke mazaak mein isliye koi khaas fark bhi nahi padaa.in fact maine hi aapki saari philosophy mazaak mein udaa di.

anand: babu moshaaye...aap jaiso ki wajah se hi aaj log anand ki philosophy ko ya to samajh nahi paate ya samjh ke bhi apna nahi paate....khair,chalta hoon...fir milenge .... kyonki .... anand marte nahi...

I do hope that all of us try and discover that bit of "anand" in ourselves...that would be great for us and for the world around us...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

PARODY-1.....aaj khush to bahut hoge tum

Back to my blogging ways...after a significant break...recently I tried my hand at something,which I really found to be challenging and innovative..its a special kind of parody where any scene from a movie is presented in a different fashion :)
The source of inspiration was my all special ORKUT...i really enjoyed it and will like to share my works...I havent written anything since about a month in this genre...hope it gets me started again...this is my first effort :P

Deewar mein ek bahut famous scene hai....jab amit ji pehli baar mandir jaate hai aur unki maa
beemar hai....assume that is film ko "jai santoshi maa" ke director ne banaya hota....unhone isliye, kyonki unke filmo mein devi-devtaaon se face to face conversation hua karta tha....to amit ji ki baatein sunkar bhagwaan darshan dete hai aur unki bahas kuchh yun hoti hai....

amit: aaj khush to bahut hoge tum,khush to bahut hoge.jo aaj tak tumhari mandir ki seediya nahi chadaa,jisne aaj tak tumhare aage sar nahi jhukaya,jisne aaj tak tumhare saamne haath nahi jode wo,aaj tumhare saamne haath failaaye khadaa hai.khush to bahut hoge ki main haar gaya.

god(darshan dete huye) :ye to tumse pata chal raha hai ki tum pehli baar yahaan visit kar rahe ho,varna itna daily turnaout hota hai usme tumko alag se kya pehchaanoonga main.vaise roz mandir mein aane waale 2 hazaar logo ka khyaal gar mujhe rakhna hai to ye sochne ki fursat nahi hai ki tumse jeet gaya ya haar gaya.jao bhaai mere busy schedule ko disturb mat karo.

amit: mujhe nahi pehchante.Indai ke sabse bade superstar ko nahi pehchante tum?

god: nahi baba,movies kabhi dekhi hi nahi maine,kisi superstar ko kya pehchanoonga.haan jo log regularly yahaan aakar film hit hone ki dua maangte hai ,unke baare mein assume kar leta hoon ki film se honge ye namoone.

amit: disturb na karoon,aayen? ... tum jante ho ki jis waqt main tumhare saamne khadaa hoon,wo aurat,jiske maathe se tumhare chaukhat ka pathar ghis gaya,wo jispe zulm bade to uski puja badee,jo zindagi bhar khud to jalti rahi magar tumhare mandir mein deep jalaati rahi,wo aurat aaj zindagi aur maut ke beech sadak par khadee hai.

god: mujhe behad afsos hai par ek baat jaan lo.chaukhat ka pathar ghisne mein hazaaro aur logo ka contribution hai,saara credit apni mom ko mat do.vaise is haalat mein tumko apni maa ke paas hona chahiye aur tum yahaan chale aaye?

amit: haan tum to khush hoge ki main haar gaya.par ye tumhari haar hai.kaun sa zulm,kaun sa pap kiya tha usne.kya uska kasoor ye hai ki usne mujhe janm diya,ye ki wo meri maa hai aur main usse pyaar karta hoon .ye kis gunaah ki sazaa di ja rahi hai use?

god: dekho ya to unke bilogical mechanism mein kuchh gadbad aayi hai ya fir ye micro organisms ki kartoot hai.yakeen karo mera,tum jaise bade bade insaano ki dekh rekh mein kar nahi paata to un microscopic jeevo ko kya control karoonga.mujhse naraz mat ho,haan meri bhakti karne ke liye tumhara hamesha swagat hai.

amit:hey bhagwaan.ye kis gunaah ki sazaa di ja rahi hai hume.hum ghar se beghar ho gaye,mera baap jeete ji mar gaya,meri maa suhagan hote huye bhi vidhwa ka jeevan jeeti rahi.kyon??

god: dekho bhaai.'ek chhoti si baat' batata hoon...ek kahanai ke roop mein.ek baar ek aadmi doob raha tha,use bachane kai local log aur bachaav kaary waare wahan se guzre.par uski zid thi ki use apne bhagwan pe bharosa hai ki wo use bachane aayenge.par ant mein wo mar gaya aur jab upar jaake bhagwan se mila to bahut naraz tha....tab unhone use samjhaaya: "tumko kya lagta hai,tumhe bachane un logo ko kisne bheja tha?"amit: aaye? kya matlab?god: bhagwan usi ki madad karenge jo apni help karega."the best place to find a helping hand is at the end of ur arm" yahaan halla karke tum apni maa ki madad nahi kar rahe,tumhe is waqt unke saath hona chaiye.unhe 'dua' ki nahi 'dawaa' ki zaroorat hai

aur isi ke saathAmit ji 'angry young man' se 'responsible young man' ban jaate hai....

comments and suggestions are most welcome :)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Sajal Is alone...and crying

Blogging is a world where u can freely express yourself,no restrictions,no boundaries.Time to check out the authenticity of the statement I suppose.I had often heard about, and occasionally witnessed people sharing an utmost joy or letting out their extreme bursts of frustation.Well I never did anything of this sort,probably never had such an opportunity.

Today,its different.I am in a really,really(assume a million more reallys) bad mood and wish to let out my anger,my hatred and all my emotions.Here is the world of blogging,totally unbarred and I wish to utilise the previlege.I am afraid I cant discuss about the reasons behind me being in this mood,all I want is to pour out some of the emotions which are threatening to rip me apart.Probably,the reason isnt that big or significant anyway,but as it happens,many things are contributing in their own small ways to make these moments really miserable for me.

Its the 11th of April,in fact 12th is about to arrive as i pen down these lines.The month of May is not far and I somehow,constantly get reminded of the May-07: some of the worst days of my life,with the most difficult I had to face.Its said that man has the ability to bear anything and everything,but the lesson May07 taught me was that this pain,at times can cross the limit of tolerance.The present issue isnt that big and I may very well get over all this very soon,which is nothing in comparison to the memories which for some strange reason,are trying to forge a link with the moments am living,at this moment.

I want to hate some people I have loved more than most things.One moment,I want to cry,shout at someone in superior tone,the other.Probably what is most disturbing is the fact that I am 'actually' feeling a sort of rage towards a few people,with not much of a fault of theirs.As I said,too many things contribute in their own small ways to make the matters worse.Few bonds which have been pillars of my existence,my overall happiness, seem quite meaningless,sort of worthless.Its like am hating loneliness,and begging that everyone left me alone.Obviously there are a few logics guiding my behaviour.I feel let down,unimportant,insignificant..(again...u can assume a million such phrases here).

Maybe,its just a matter of few hours when things will actually improve with a bunch of bloody explanations coming to the rescue.But the effect of all this is threatening to leave a long lasting mark somewhere.An irony is that the main reason behind the trauma of May-07 is the lone comforting factor in this depressing night.Few minutes of conversation with someone, actually are imparting the desired strength to withstand the worst of the worst.All in all,the lanes of memory seem more like a black hole...threatening to pull me into a void I fear to enter,I really do...

To summarise...Sajal is very depressed,really angry,too disturbed,highly frustated....but above all....very lonely,very sad....

Monday, April 7, 2008


Here i present you an account of some really weird stuff.....kya hindi aisi bola jaati hai :)

Some people at engineering colleges do look like they should already be working in an MNC(age factor!!).But once when we friends came face to face with one such face,MK uttered those 'prophetic' words: "20-25 saal droupout hai ye ladkaa".I dont think I need to mention our reactions to it.It was during lunch time that MK gave us another reason to laugh,laugh and keep laughing."duniya ki har insaan humaari maa hai,uska mulya dekho".Thank god he didnt use his favourite 'daam' instead of mulya,I fear to think what i could have meant then.And ya,most lines of his anyway neither make any sense nor are related to the prevailing situation.
Consider the examples:
"tum log pe mat jaao"(can it mean ANYTHING??) or "kya janm deta hai in log"referring to a large group,comprising only of males(replace 'kya' by 'kaise' to get some idea of what he meant).Fata is such a nice and simple word,but when MK pronounces it as 'faataaa',the effect is hilarious.
Some of the expressions this fundoo friend of mine used while flirting with someone:
"tu itna zyaada mera fan ho gaya"..."tu to dhanee gharaane ki fal phool khaane waali ladki hai
'(I actually fell on the ground when I went into a burst of laughter at this one).Also when his flirting was well reciprocated by the girl,who also happened to be my close friend,these are the words his hindi gifted me:
"Tera friend mast hai,sudharne waali nahi hai"

Now just assume a character Miss X.Actually she is the one who asked me to write something on this whole hindi issue;as she was more than impressed by it(movier are not the only place gals are impressed by stupidities I realise).I wont be mentioning the name of the girl,and will call her Miss X.Some of the weird sentences which our literary genius managed in this episode:
"Annie mast ladki hai,Miss X ko fix kara diya"...."aaj Miss X dinner pe aane se majjaa aa jaayega".Actually the fact is that Annie didnt 'fix' anyone,it was just that we were getting to meet someone through a common friend.And when Miss X was around,MK kept coming up with wonders in his own unimitable style:
"bye bye de denge"
"ye bhi tujhe paneer dikhti hai"(referring to a non-paneer dish served at a dhaaba)..."tumne aisa aisa boli hai"......As my friend Gauri(from Gzb,u must remember by now)remarked once,"MK ek line mein infinite baar gender change karta hai"....not far from being true,one feels :)

Another evening where we had great fun on the roads of IIT,teasing each other,and playing around like small children,MK's genius remained a special treat.
"marenge na tamasha ek"(am sure it was more than a slip of tongue)
"Shilpika to gaya" (god bless the verb-subject agreement)
"aise behenship thode na hota hai"(another one of my favourites)
.....and the memorable...."tu to moti hai,tu charbee khaati reh"

His contribution was really significant in making the trip a grand success,with the 'innocent' linguistic mistakes playing the main part.I could give such a detailed account a couple of months after the event as I maintained a record of these funny ones in my diary during the trip :)....

But my intention is not to make a mockery of my friend. Actually these statements are indicative of his innocence and the fact that he doesnt make needless attempts to hide his shortcomings in front of his friends....after all,who else will help him improve.And we know that we dont have to just laugh at these comments but always try and rectify them and help our friend.Anyway,am pretty sure of MK speaking fluently in the language one day....he has great learning attitude,caring and helpful friends and above all....an 'actual literary genius' of this language in his friend circle :P
Till then lets just enjoy it as it comes :)


Hello everyone
Today I am here to tell you a story.The title of my story is:" Kya hindi aisi bola jaati hai"
Once upon a time,in the campus of IIT-KGP,a group of friends had a great time.In the group was a really special person.Well,the special person was Sajal,who is sharing a special experience with you.But there was a comparatively less special person as well,who contributed hugely in making those days memorable.

Ok,now lets come to plain and simple description.The days at Kshitij(techfest- 08 at IIT KGP)are unforgettable for me,the reasons being innumerable.The overall experience of participating in events,attending the lectures and enjoying the struggle of life in minutest of aspects,it was fun really.I got to meet a very special friend of mine for the first time personally(cyber friends u know).There was a duration of few hours,where in the course of events,i reaffirmed the faith,not in front of others but in my own eyes,that am indeed living the life of a really good human being(and a friend).In a line,the days spent there are too close to my heart.

Now coming to the 'Hindi' thing(finally).Something which contributed in its own unique fashion,to the humorous aspect of the experiences.Well,no surprises if a college guy calls a 'hot' girl 'qayamat'(among his friends),but its when someone,actually,assumes that Qayamat means 'body'(???),u realise that he is no ordianry person.Gentle ladies and gentler men,meet my friend,Mrityunjay Kalita,who holds the distinction of getting 95 in hindi in boards.presenting the real picture before u,MK's lack of hold over the language,which incidentally happens to be the mother tongue of most of us,gave plaenty of chances to laugh our hearts out.His question "qayamat matlab body hai naa?" happened in the canteen of our college.Let us now focus on some of the experiences at KGP,some of the weirdest comments one will ever hear.

(to be contd.....its going to be super fun now!!)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

simply....I HATE REMIXES!!

NOISE...noise is any kind of unpleasant sound;any pleasant sound falls under the category of music.These are just vague definitions ofthe two terms,but however specific one tries to be,there can never be a well defined boundary between the two.

Let me come to the topic of my concern,i.e Bollywood music.Over the years,innumerable melodies have been composed and the process continues till date.This is a field,which has witnessed incredible creativity and variety with constant experimentation.A recent revolution in the field of music albums(filmy and non-filmy) is the concept of remixes.Well,the concept, in no way is recent,but am talkingabout the kind of evolution it has undergone recently.

Starting with my personal opinion about this 'Remix Thing'...words actually can never do justice to the kind of HATRED i have for this whole thing,the way i loathe any kind of appreciation towards a work which simply deserves to be thrown into a dustbin.I am not going to give a moral lecture regarding the vulgarity in videos or something,am talking about the very concept of remix.I dont care if a disco number of 60s is remixed and presented as a soft romantic number...REMIX STILL SUCKS!!

So,why such harsh feelings?
I HAVE NO PROBLEM IN ACCEPTING MODERNISATION OF SONGS OF YESTERYEARS,ONLY IF ITS DONE AS A MARK OF RESPECT TO THOSE COMPOSITIONS,AS A TRIBUTE TO THOSE WHO COMPOSED IT.No issues in appreciating the scene where a few young ones ask a didi to return their ball,singing comic modifications of some songs(MR.INDIA) but just cant tolerate a crap where the incomparable voices of Asha ji,Geeta Dutt,Lata ji or Shamshad begum is replaced by a cacophony and a melody substituted by the worst possible sound track.In short,makeover is acceptable,but it has to be a "work of art",and not the "murder of art".

I,myself being somewhat a person with an artistic insight,do appreciate the fact that a SINCERE composition of a person is like his own offspring,can you even imagine your child being deformed in front of your eyes,is it possible for you to remain unaffected by it.Some masterpieces which were created only after a lot of honest and hard work went into it, with a pure and artistic perspectiveguiding the composer,are being tereated with disrespect....at times even with disdain..WHAT A SHAME!!

All this because you appreciate it,you are willing to pay for it.All the stuff about the need to move along,and the modifications being a need of hour,are pretty much meaningless.These developments in the field of remixes actually bear a testimony to the fact that the popularity of these numbers is still much more than most recent ones.Also the public loves it the way they are,without any need to go about killing the beauty of the hummable ones just because they can be played in discos etc in their modified version.Actually this nonsense of an explanation is often given by one of my close friends(already been mentioned a couple of times in my blog)."remixes are made so that the soft numbers of yesteryears become fit enough to be played in parties and discos"...already stated,i find it NONSENSE...they are not made for parties,leave them the way they are....we dont want people dancing to "jaine wo kaise log they jinke pyaar ko pyaar milaa".

Actually what worries me is the lack of respect that the generation of today,my generation,has for 'art and artists',more so if they dont really fall in this 'new' category.There is not a single community on orkut against 'remixes' but plenty which love it.Such things actually hurt me,i have cried more than once in arguments related to this 'old-songvs new-song stuff".What is desired is more of respect for the sincere artists,irrespective of their generation....and things sure will improve....
and as for the remixes.....they suck,no doubt :)
ek shayar ki kuchh lines share karta hoon(the shayar is me anyway):

कल शमशान में देखा था
शायर लेटा था कब्र के ऊपर
और उसके नाम को मिट्टी तले
दफ़ना दिया था ज़माने वालों ने....

just hoping that this wont happen....for a better future,we need to give our past its due respect....:)
thats it friends....